Mary’s Story
Mary’s Story

The OABF pays its respects to Mrs Mary Cooper, who made a difference to the lives of other officers and their families by leaving a gift in her will.
Mary Cooper was the widow of Flying Officer, Tom Cooper, who served with the RAF during the Second Word War. After her husband’s death, Mary contacted the OABF with a call for help when she was faced with losing her home.
The OABF was able to help Mary for many years, with the challenges and difficulties she faced. At each step, the OABF was there to provide reassurance and support, which included regular financial support. This enabled her to stay in her own home and retain her independence.
In appreciation and recognition of the support and help that Mary had received from the OABF she wanted to ‘give back’ to help others facing challenging times.
Mary very generously left the OABF a Legacy in her will so that the OABF could continue its vital work in offering help and support to other Officers and their families in their time of need in years to come.
Can you help future generations in their time of need by leaving a gift in your will?